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The Scoop on Equine
Weight Gain Supplements

By RW Crew | 9.22.20

While some horses are easy keepers that seem to gain weight overnight, others can be more challenging to keep in good condition. If you have a hard keeper that could use a few extra pounds, a supplement may be just what you need to help them look and feel their best!

In this edition of The Scoop on Supplements, we will explain some factors that can contribute to your horse's body condition and explain common ingredients in weight gain supplements.

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Things to Consider

Before feeding a weight-building supplement, it's important to consider factors that could be affecting your horse's body condition. Here are some things to consider discussing with your veterinarian:

  • Diet and Feed Quality: Diet is likely something you've already thought about if you're considering a supplement, but it's good topic to discuss with your vet. It's important to make sure your horse is getting all the nutrients they need for their age and workload. You should also consider the quality of the feed your horse is getting.
  • Gastric Ulcers: Stomach ulcers may affect 60% or more of performance horses, but even non-performance horses and foals are susceptible. Ulcers can affect how well your horse is able to absorb nutrients from food and can negatively affect weight.
  • Worms: Even if you regularly deworm your horse, it's a good idea to have your vet perform a fecal egg count if you are concerned about their body condition.
  • Dental Issues: If your horse has an issue with their teeth, they may not be able to chew food effectively and may even drop some as they eat. It's recommended to get your horse's teeth checked annually.
  • Age: As horses get older, they often times have a harder time keeping weight on. If your horse is approaching their senior years, they may need some extra calories.
  • Other Health Conditions: While less common, other health issues can be the cause of weight loss. These include respiratory issues, anemia, chronic infections, and more.

Weight-Building Ingredients

  • Fats: Fats are an easy way to provide extra calories in a concentrated form. Fats can be added to the diet through oils top-dressed onto grain or through powders such as ground flaxseed or soybean. Additional benefits of supplementing with fats are that they typically won't make a horse spooky or hot and they support skin and coat health.
  • Amino Acids: Amino acids, such as lysine and methionine, are the building blocks of protein which help to build and maintain muscle. Supplementing with amino acids can be helpful if you have a performance horse since they support muscle growth.
  • Grains and Starches: Grains such as oats, corn, and concentrated feeds can provide an extra source of calories. However, because grains move quickly through the digestive system the nutrients may not be fully broken down and absorbed. Grains and starches are also known to make horses hot, which may not be ideal depending on your horse's discipline and workload.

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