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The Scoop on Equine Hoof Supplements

By RW Crew | 1.06.21

Whether your horse is a weekend trail partner or a top-level competitor, the saying "No Hoof, No Horse" holds true in the mind of nearly every horse owner. Healthy, strong hooves are the foundation for soundness and we all know how detrimental weak and damaged hooves can be. While genetics, diet, and farrier care play critical roles in hoof condition, supplements can be used to help fill in the gaps. In this edition of "The Scoop On Supplements", we will explain some common ingredients in hoof supplements and how they work to support hoof health.

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Hoof-Building Ingredients


Found in nearly all hoof supplements, biotin is a B-vitamin. Like other B-vitamins, biotin has a variety of functions in the body such as metabolism and nervous system support, as well as collagen and keratin formation. It has been shown to support hoof health when fed at amounts of 10-30mg per day, with higher amounts suitable for weak or damaged hooves.


A common ingredient in both joint and hoof supplements, MSM supports a healthy inflammatory response throughout the body. It also provides sulfur, which supports the cross-linking of keratin proteins for strong hoof structure.


Zinc and copper are minerals that play a role in the maintenance of connective tissue and are commonly included in both hoof and coat supplements. They are both necessary for the building of keratin and have anti-oxidant properties to protect cells against damage.

Amino Acids:

A deficiency in essential amino acids, the building blocks of protein, can negatively impact hoof quality, hair coat, and overall health. Two amino acids typically included in hoof supplements are methionine and lysine. Both are sulfur-bearing amino acids that support strong hooves.

Patience is Key

If you're hoping for significant changes in your horse's hooves, remember that it takes time for the hoof wall to grow out and replace weak or damaged areas. Supplements can only support the growth of healthy new hoof, not existing hoof, so it can take six months or longer to see improvement. Be patient - the results will be worth the wait.

Written By Cheyenne

Cheyenne grew up riding and competing in the hunter/jumper world and now enjoys hitting the trails. Her passion for nutrition extends into both the human and horsey realms. When she's not riding, she can be found hiking or heading to the beach with her dog.

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